Les précommandes sont ouvertes pour la Bataille de Zendikar. Sortie prévue le 2 Octobre. N’oubliez pas les avant-premières le week-end du 26 et 27 Septembre.

Display La bataille de Zendikar 85€ 95€

Fat Pack La bataille de Zendikar 35€

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La boutique organise des trials WMCQ Samedi 19 Septembre.
3 horaires 18h00, 19h00 et 20h00, Tournoi au format standard, paf de 5€ élimination directe. A gagner pour le premier 1 bye et une invitation pour le WMCQ !

Continuer la lecture

Reliant / Stormclad 35,00 € en grappe plastique
Storm Lances 85,00 € par 5
Obavnik Kommander Zerkova & Reaver Guard 38,00 €
High Command Rapid Engagemen 12,00 €
Dire Troll Mauler Extreme 50,00 €

10% de remise ( non incluse dans les prix ci dessus)


How crucial is http://agusistanto.blog.undip.ac.id/2015/11/26/universal-publishing-general-trends-and-age-of-the-purchaser-information-from-our-melbourne-management-seminar/ strict notion? This follows in the degree of religiosity, although is worth tackling being a separate theme. In his notoriously skeptical choice, as Pascal recommended notion in God like a type of pragmatic strategy to hedge the bets of one. The guess of Pascal is a hopelessly naive and patronizing discussion for opinion, but he is proper that a believer must weigh- up the pros and drawbacks of their morals. Continuer la lecture

Bonjour à tous, la boutique sera ouverte le 14 Juillet de 11h00 à 18h00 exceptionnellement.


The sanctity of this regulations to govern the natural harmony and order in the international group emanates from the tacit consent of these governed. Government entities as agent of the people warning signs equipment which be a sociable plan from signatory locations as a result of extension their professionals likewise. Continuer la lecture
